BREAKING NEWS: Investigators found a man dead on Disney cruise liner "Dream" along with his creation - a "Cure-all" fungus. No further details have been given on the identity of the man, but we do have reports coming in of the scientific breakthrough of the fungus, labeled C-35D, commonly known by many as "Cure-all." Recent information has been leaked that it is true, this fungus really can cure almost everything, including the common cold, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. While that does not sound very impressive, it has also been found to get rid of EBOLA, the Zika Virus, and even cancerous tumors. You heard it here first, there has been a cure for cancer found in America! We will have more updates coming up over the next few weeks, and stay tuned to see the video of the panda playing in the snow! BREAKING NEWS: Two months later and scientists say that they cracked the code for the strange fungus which, when liquefied, is able to be injected into the bloodstream where it will work its magic! It is currently being mass produced all over the world wherever it can be, helping millions of dying people daily! While some say it should be tested more before being released, more are asking for it to be made faster so they can save their loved ones. Coming up next, a strange occurrence in a morgue in the big city of Chicago. BREAKING NEWS: This just in, there has been a total recall of the new medicine "Cure-all" as it has been found to cause serious allergic reactions in certain individuals, causing painful cysts and boils. If you see any of these individuals call the hospital immediately and keep your distance as they have been attacking anyone who comes close to them. Scientists are working hard to find out what they missed and how this could have happened and the government is currently debating on how to deal with the sick and deranged. BR3@KiNG N3W$: Deadly poison---government---big cities---evacuation---bombs--- "Cure-all"---millions dead---unsafe---inside---run!!!All Rights Reserved
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