WOOOOO this story is by KennedyDoesStuff77 hope you enjoy it the title says it all by the way for females only sorry males the appearance is literally what I look like by the way well what Abi Fenn Lola and My cousin Mia says. Appearance: Hair: your hair is long and is black with pink and purple mixed tips is normally in a plait Face: your face is pale and you wear faint make up you have crystal blue eyes and pink lips your teeth are neat and sparkly white Body: your body is thin but still curvy Clothes: depends you really don't care seriously DONT GIVE A FUCK Personality: your bubbly,loud and exitable everyone loves you (especially Cry hehehe) Likes: YouTube Cryaotic,Pewdiepie,Jacksepticeye,the Chiba face emoticon :3 and Minx Dislikes: haters,jogging bottoms,perverts and mean YouTube commenter's Also this story is dedicated to my sister Cassie Smith she loves Cry and that's why I'm doing this anyway peace out and stay jello