A sister.
A future.
She's back.
Levi Ackerman, once the devil of the underworld, has now been overruled.
Bandit Rivaille, a girl who is the head assassin for the Ackerman clan in 2020, has been assigned to a mysterious mission of finding and containing one of the most dangerous men in history, Kenny Ackerman.
He was incased in ice for thousands of years, before being taken from his incasement in the Ackerman house for experiments. Having been defrosted in the rival clans' laboratory, the Reiss', Kenny is sent to travel back to his time and destroy the Ackerman's before they can join up with the Jeager's.
Bandit is told to travel back in time, too, and stop him from doing so, or else the Ackerman history will be destroyed. Her twin, Beatrix, is told to watch out for their younger brother, James, and while doing so, is kidnapped by the remaining Reiss'. This only reassures Bandit's decision to travel back in time and change the future, for her sister.
Bandit meets her ancestor Levi Ackerman, and tries to keep the future from him, but with his soul eating glare and pestering boyfriend, Eren Jeager, keeping constant tabs on her; Bandit finds keeping her mouth shut harder then it's ever been in her life. It doesn't help that two girls named Annie and Mikasa, seem to have their eyes on her. And that's in more ways then appropriate.