Who hasn't heard of this awesome game on Wattpad? @TotalDramaChaos and @Mineralmann started it all, and now it's going to be hosted by FutureFanatics who are MohammadSaadSohail and djcraft-2310! Now with more fun challenges, you are definitely going to love it! After every challenge, two people will be in Bottom 2 and one of them will be eliminated and it's your choice! Comment on the first part if you want to join! ~MohammadSaadSohail HELLO THERE! I SEE THAT YOU HAVE FOUND OUR CAVE! *mutters:* I don't know how. ANYWAY! PLEASE GO JOIN OUR AUDIENCE AND ENJOY THE TORTUR- AH I MEAN, SHOW *nervous sweating* PLEASE TRY OUR DELICIOUS CUPCAKES AND AMAZING COKES! *smirks* anyway, @Mineralmann PLEASE JOIN LUKE :3 Saad already told you guys that you can comment on the first part if you want to join! COMMENT, or else............................................................................................................................................................................................................jk XD -Djcraft-2310All Rights Reserved