> actualodinson < 30 day dark fandom / otp writing challenge In honor of Halloween, here’s my own dark, angsty, horrifying version of the popular 30 Day OTP Challenges / 30 Day Writing Prompts. Can be used for gen fics or shipping fics. There are 45 possible prompts, so you can pick and choose which you would like to write and which you would rather not, or cut and combine several. Note that some of the kinky prompts might be more “unusual” or “not 100% vanilla” than actually dark, depending on the writer’s interpretation. Inspired by (x) (x) (x) Includes some trigger-y prompts, so read more at your own discretion. Some prompts are NSFW. *May not want to try these at home. Please do your reading on the subject and realize that what’s cool to write about in fiction isn’t always as cool to try out in real life. Even the most hardcore, experienced kinksters have their limits, and these often cross the line. Consider including a warning on any fic including potentially dangerous kinks advising readers to do their research as well. You never know, someone out there might be going, “Let’s try this, I read it in a fanfic once…” My thoughts... why not? Disclaimer: I own nothing. And I’m pretty sure I’m not making any monetary profit off of this.All Rights Reserved