Her eyes were green, the green that brings hope and life no matter what has happened. Eyes the color of deep forest pools, the color of springtime ferns, the color of freshly cut grass, the color of autumn carrot tops, the green of the first spring leaves on a plum tree, sea green, mossy green flecked with the color of green, the kind of green the forest turns after it rains. Her eyes were the glimmering color of emerald, sparkling in the light of the morning sun like a fresh sheen of morning dew. When she turned her head, this way and that, they caught the light and played tricks with anything and everything that screamed 'spring,' and when she lifted her pale face to the sky, emerald shifted into the color of deep ocean shimmering in the moonlight.
She turned to look at me, her mouth parted slightly, then then next thing I know I'm being yelled at to wake up, she pulled by my ankles dragging my body slowly off of my bed. I let my limp body slowly fall to the floor and my younger sister Sofia poked at me with her foot. "Come on Mills we're gonna be late." She whined. I got up off the floor and turned to face my sister. "One. Don't EVER call me 'Mills' in school, it's lame. Two. Go wait in the car I'll be down in two minutes. And Three. If you EVER drag me out of bed like that again, Sofi, you better pray to God I don't KILL you." That being said, Sofi ran out of my room, down the stairs, and out of the house to wait in the car while I got ready for my first day of my last year of high school.