16 Bölüm Devam ediyor YetişkinSecond in the trilogy, To Run picks up where To Walk left off...and resolves years' worth of conflict raging in the broken world Herobrine has divided...
Left in the ruins of the fortress Herobrine has abandoned after the supposed demon fled a presence drawn by the Barrier's collapse, Damon wonders if he'll ever see the sun again...wonders if he were to die buried alive after failing yet again to take down this demon. However, his help and Herobrine's fall are nearer than either of them can sense...
As Damon struggles to live, buried beneath tons of rock and rubble, Herobrine also struggles in his dreams...memories he'd fought so hard to bury are resurfacing, calling back mountains of guilt that threaten to crush him... Ava, the human Herobrine had once plotted to kill, is trapped in a cave with the powerful man, and she waits tensely for him to wake from his tormented dreams...wondering if he would come back before she starves to death.
Find out their fates in To Run.
(Rated mature for fight scenes and little else)