Hikaru Kagami, (Son of Taro Kagami [Death Note Pilot]), and His Friends, Hideaki Mido (Son of Shingo Mido), Yuko Matsuda (Daughter of Sayu Yagami and Touta Matsuda), and Kei Ooi (Grandson of Takeshi Ooi), gain possession of a Death Note as children, only for a tragic incident to take place. The Shinigami connected to this book, however, reverses it, and the book is taken out of their hands. Years later, after his father goes missing, Hikaru finds the book in his attic, and the memories of the incident come flowing back. He and his friends are fearful of the book at first, but when they find a way to end crime without any deaths, they chose to take it. But with other Death Note Users and the Spk, headed by Near, all after them, will they make their dream a reality?
*when you gotta use stock images until you find an artist*