Astra Tooren Zartraxx felt good. Why bother going to the other end of the universe if you weren't going to have some fun? He casually flipped his zapper into his back-holster and grinned, and there was a lot to be said for that grin. It was the kind of grin that defined a man or, indeed, his whole lifestyle. 'Look at me!' his lopsided teeth-show yelled at innocent passers-by, blasting them with the full force of Astra's hedonistic personality, usually inciting an attack of lack of consciousness from the more weak willed of those to whom it was subjected. It was an art form, that grin. It had been places, travelled the length, breadth, height and other dimensions of the Galaxy. It had grown from a mere whimsical smirk to a facial expression to be reckoned with. Not that the sixteen alien bodies in front of him could appreciate it, being rather too lifeless to appreciate much anymore. Astra tastefully arranged them into a lewd expression before turning to leave. As the station burned, its chemical tanks exploding in an array of interesting colours that spelled severe toxic storm for the planet below, Astra's ultra-ship blasted from the last remaining intact vessel-dock. Special Dimensioblend brand chambers vented air from his ship, purely so that people could hear his music playing as he shot forth into space. That little luxury had cost him four bounties worth of payments.The Galaxies latest rock hit scorched the sound waves as he turned the volume to the dial marked 'overkill'. Astra Zartraxx, space adventurer extraordinaire, was back!
6 parts