Elle O'Connor is a troubled 17-year-old student, who lives in Mullingar, Ireland with her dad. After suffering through the grief that came with the loss of her mother a few years before, Elle has never been the same. Her two best friends, Katie and Beth, are the only people in the world that she shares her feelings with, not even confiding in her dad. But there's one thing that even her friends don't know. Ever since her mother's death, Elle has experienced the same recurring nightmare, where her mother blames Elle for her death. But can she find out the truth alone?
Niall Horan is a talented but undiscovered 19-year-old singer/songwriter, who lives alone in his flat a few streets away from his parents. He loves to sing and play his guitar, often recording his material in a friend’s studio. However, Niall is reluctant to pursue a career in music, always using the excuse that he doesn't want to become rich and famous for fear of it changing him. He earns his living by performing at a bar just outside of the city, but how can a life full of unrecognised effort ever make anyone feel content?
When fate brings these two people together, they change each other's lives. But pressure rests heavily on both of these young shoulders. Is it Elle that Niall needs to feel content? Is it Niall that Elle needs to be that light when everything else is in darkness? All is revealed, in 'The Song That Calmed The Storm'.