"Evermoon, the beauty of the name shamed by the majesty of the sight. The mountain cave, embracing intricate structures of redwood and stone. The great lake, as dark and mysterious as my past. Spidering tunnels in every direction, leading into the depths of the earth itself. The spellbinding luminescence that inspires her title."
"In my early years, I failed to truly appreciate the grandeur of my childhood home, the craftsmanship and haunting splendor of it. Yet, as the centuries have passed, I find myself longing to return. To once again behold the moonlit cavern. To roam the lush, dense forest at its mouth. For once, allow my tortured soul to experience the true elegance of the place, without repercussion or trepidation."
"Hidden beneath the legacy of a bloody, vicious society, most will never take notice of the magnificence. My mind speaks reasonably into my ear, evoking memories of the horrific existence so many have endured there. Yet, for all the pain and confusion it caused me, my heart cries out for closure and peace. It is still my history, the foundation of my very being, my homeland."
~Riffen El'Criel~