Jaden Godwin, a boy ive loved for the past 2 years. this year, sometime, i'll ask him out. but right now, im dealing with a love hate situation, exept now the love is faded into hate. John Robledo, a kid im going with, has turned from a loving young man, into a monster. he doesnt let me go to the mall. he doest let me talk to other guys. but now...im breaking away from his heavy chain leash hes got me on. im setting myself free...for now. the next day, at A&M , he walks up to me while im talking to Jaden. he pulls me away yanking me behing the corner. "What do you think you are doing talking to jaden"? i told him that he needs to cut me some slack, and that i was just talking to him. he doesnt really understand what kind of pressure hes putting on me. my grandfather just passed away, and my dad is in the hospital. He is coming in for a rude awakening, once i tell him im done! my roomate, valeria, understands everything I tell her, and gives me advice on this kind of thing.