OK I don't own PJO or HOO but I want to thank to my awesome friends. for helping me Reyna's POV It was a pleasant morning at Camp Jupiter ..the war with the Giants and Gaea has finally ended but we paid it with a price. Me and the Romans are rebuilding New Rome seen that it was damaged pretty badly during the war with Giants. Jason was not around he was fulfilling his promise to Kympolia, Percy's half-sister. So here I was alone helping the Romans to strengthen are stronghold ....... again . What Aphrodite said still bothers me , "No man can heal your heart." I hope she wasn't telling the truth. Then the temperature dropped and the shadows were forming a figure , Nico I thought then he came out of the shadows . Whenever he's around my heart would beat like crazy. I always ignored the feeling thou . "What are you doing here ?" I asked fiercely Nico's Pov It was a pleasant morning at camp halfblood......... but not for me .I was at cabin 13 lying there , staring at the ceiling .IAll Rights Reserved