Payton Ashwald, Chris Davis, and their friends Anne Seale, and Bethy Camp, (all 13), arrive at Zeta Zeta Zeta and Delta Delta Delta fraternity and sorority camps for an adventure...But, as they, (and the teenagers), spend another two weeks there...they must deal with blood thirsty Vampires, and soul stealing demons...whose power is so deadly that their lives are put into danger... ...Meanwhile, Beander, Tim Lang, and Gordy Opp, attempt to take control of the camps...while placing themselves in more danger. The scary sequel to "Zeta Zeta Zeta Vampire Cabin Watchers", by Robert Helliger. Rated PG-13 for strong, bloody violence, sex scenes, some coarse language, strong, supernatural themes, strong, adult themes. Warning: FOR READERS 13 YEARS AND OVER.
9 parts