Step inside the world of Oria, where the impossible is possible, and the unspeakable is speakable, anything can happen in the world of Oria and even when you know it all, you know that there is so much more that you never explored. Between the Lullaby Meadows and Whispering Trees, near the mermaids who swim in the blue lagoon, there are magicians on every corner and street, and so much you never knew. But do not be fooled by the beautiful setting, for there is more too it than you think, look again at the Lullaby Meadow and maybe you shall seek, a head. Or two, in the Lullaby Meadow surrounded by a flower bed.
When May's life is suddenly intertwined with Max's a boy she would've guessed was nothing but mundane, she realizes how little she really knew about the world. First, there is more than one. Second, Princes, Dragons, mermaids, they're all real. The fairytales were never fables but history itself in another time. Another generation. Another world. May find herself among the life of witches and wizards when led into the world of Oria, she discovers her deepest secrets, and that she is not only with them, but one OF them. She realizes how odd and out of place she felt in the mortal world, and figures out that she never was in the correct spot to begin with. Her life is in Oria, because there is something a bit May that might help stop Sypro from taking over Oria.
For maybe she is The Chosen One