24 parts Ongoing In the year 9100, long after humanity's extinction, Elementia is a world ruled by the fairies, where magic and technology co-exist. Among them is Emica, a kind, young nature fairy training to be a fairy godmother.
Emica's life took an unexpected turn at the age of nine when her parents vanished without a trace. They were famous adventurers, exploring the far reaches of Elementia in search of ancient artifacts and relics. But one day, they left on a perilous quest and never returned. Emica was left with unanswered questions and a determination to uncover the truth.
As darkness spreads across Elementia, the Celestial fairies, the divine beings who govern the world, realize that only the Scepter of Dawn can stop Hajime, the Celestial of Light, who was imprisoned many years ago for attempting to unleash "The Tenth Age Project", a new age in Elementia's history where she rules all. Emica is chosen to join a team of fairies on a perilous mission to find the scepter's pieces and save their world. Alongside her new friends, Emica's resolve and courage will be tested as she seeks to defeat Hajime and discover her parents' fate.