Sapphire. SAPPHIRE SMITH. WILDEST of the WILD. CRAZIEST of the CRAZY. But only around her friends. NOT in public. She is top of class in all subjects. 'Teacher's pet' that's what they call her. With her friends she's like 'Dare me to do anything and I'll do it' probably why she has so many scars from dares and forfeits of dares. But in public she's like ' If I wear black shorts will I be less noticed then if I wear white shorts. Or 'If I wear black skinny jeans in the dark the I will be less noticed because then I will blend in with the darkness around myself'. Her life is all normal until a new student comes to Liberty Senior High School. Mike. Mike Mason. THE MIKE MASON. He ain't got no boring life. Party every weekend. Underage drinking. Ya know all those typical sex-crazed hormonal teenager things to do. Well her life is basically turned upside down when he arrives. Sapphire pushes her limits to make her noticed by Mike. She does everything she can to get him to notice her. But then something tragic happens. Tragic. Bad. Something that shouldn't have happened. Something unexpected. Then after it's the opposite. Mike is trying to get Sapphire to notice him. Will he be able to get her to notice him before it's too late.All Rights Reserved