"(Y/n) can I tell you something?"
"Of course! What is it?"
A faint tint of pink rushes to the hedgehog's cheeks.
"I just want to be honest with you," He assures her, scanning her features.
(Y/n) smiles a bit before speaking, "okay?" The female giggles under her breath; the slight tension in the air slowly growing thicker by the minute. Silver grazes a hand up to his arm, yellow eyes glancing away and answering back timidly. He almost backed out the second he heard the girl speak but he knew if he wanted to confess it had to be now. "I like you, (Y/n)."
"Oh? I like you too Silver." A sigh of relief escapes (Y/n). She thought he was going to say something else. The whole day has been weird, especially Silver himself. Just as she was about to look away, he grabs her hand, tightening the grip as if afraid she'd leave, literally. "No, like...I like-like you." The tint of pink already becoming a darker shade of red and the girl watches him, taking a second to process the words that rolled out his tongue; eyes widening at the realization and placing a hand up to her mouth.
Hold up...
You move in to a new house, fresh start, new school, (thank god its your last year) new friends and...A boyfriend? Wait, (y/n) has a boyfriend?