Alexander is just like Jake sully, exept Alex is part of the Air Force. Alex is a 29 year old male naturist who wasborn to fly. He came from a critstian family and was shunned when he told his family that he was gay. Thrown out of home at 15 and spent the rest if his school years in a jungle full of tigers, Alexander Wilbrough the Vl was shipped to the Air Force for 11 years before being chosen to go on a trip to a place called Pandora. With Jake Sully and Tsu'tey as guardians and guides, Alex will become thse next tsahik.
Join Alexander in yet another fantasy adventure. Tune in as young Alex becomes the next tsahik in the world of Avatar. Yes Jake will be in this story, but Jake Sully will be alot older, maybe 27. But in Pandora time he would only be maybe 22. Sorry but Neytiri is dead and so forth will not be in this story because i dont like that bitch. I do not own Avatar.