What will you do when I'm gone...
When your eyes find the dawn,
Opening to meet the sun,
But I'll be gone then,
and never again will you see me,
Only my memory will be fond,
What will you do when I'm gone...
Will you think of me,
When I'm off wild and free,
flitting about on the wind over the sea,
Will you even think of me?
What will you do when I'm gone...
Will you miss me when I'm gone?
Frittering around under the sun,
roaming wild and care free,
while you're stuck in you're reality.
I am forever gone,
and when you rise to meet the sun,
You will not find me by your side,
Or in the car or in the house,
You will find that I'm quite gone,
without a trace, quite like a mouse.
I will be flitting on the wind and twirling on a hill,
I will find happiness somewhere,
I am not like others contented behind window sill,
So if you think of me think fond,
because while I'm off and gone,
I will have peace, freedom, and fun,
I will be like dew on the grass at dawn.
Greetings dear readers! This is my first ever poems book. And um I wrote these all based on my personal experiences. As you may journey through chapters of this book based on my life and events throughout. A little sprinkle of the chapters are fictional but nearly all are non-fiction straight from reality. Hopefully you will love this journey with me. Few of these poems are dedicated to my friends or based on their experiences/point of view. Most poems may contain heartbreak or sad feelings but still the majority of the poems are about love, happiness and positivity. I am so glad that I am in a better place now, looking back on my life just a while ago I was not the person I am today. With the help of people I love the most I have overcome everything I needed to dodge. If you are going through something difficult in life, please share it with someone whom you trust more than anything. Remember being happy & positive is what matters the most truly.
Love Y'all So Much.
With Love,