This tale begins in a far, far away land called New York City where a boy named John Fierce lives. This sounds familiar? Right, but this is not your typical fairy tale, take my word. John Fierce is a bisexual flirt who takes advantages of his good-looks. Of course, that morning when it happened, he would have laughed at the idea of him ending up in a drunken embrace with the world's biggest rock star, lead singer to Royal Parade, Damien Darkridge. He also would have laughed at the thought of his close friend slept with his ex-boyfriend while they were still dating. And he would have died laughing at the thought of a bi-curious rock star trying to get in his pants. Of course, like I said: this is not your typical fairy tale. And who says all fairy tales have a happily ever after, because if that's truth, maybe this isn't a fairy tale at all.
30 parts