"The girl sat alone, the girl with no heart.
She stared blankly at the others, wondering what it was like to be happy, to have a heart.
But she knew deep inside, that the pain would be all she could feel, forever and forever more, she would be alone, the girl with no heart."
This is a collection of poems and thoughts and feelings, some are real, some are fictional. So don't freak out, if it's dark it's probably fake. I don't want any negative comments about this book, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Leave it be. Just putting it out there, no I'm not depressed and no I'm not suicidal and never have been. This book may change your opinion about me but, to hell with it I'm going to write what I'm going to write.
(Ok yeah half of that last part is SOOOO a lie lol)
- Scarlet Fox