Katharine lives in a torn up world, ruptured at the seams and sewn back together, constantly slumping at her desk in her tiny cabin, listening to a crackly radio. Her parents' parents might have had it different, no, probably the parents before that. But she herself is in a different world from theirs, a world tied together at fraying ends. A world with only grass, pale, green-blue grass, long dead cities, and scavenger shacks.
It only takes a needle to make it all collapse- and when she meets a real wanderer, she-
Original start: September 2015
Answering my destiny- Draco Malfoy x female character
17 parts Ongoing Mature
17 parts
This tragic life was not my choice. Neither was it of my school. As lonely as i was, the Meadows over which lapped the magical school- And the start of it all.
I envy the life of my partner,
for I was treated like a gardner,
my plants pitied me,
That's because ,I remained like a lonely tree,
Why does this revolve around me, mate?
Is this my destiny, my uncontemplated fate?
200 LIKES- 07/08/2024