When the old fraternity and sorority campers of Phi Kappa Kappa, Zeta Zeta Zeta, and Delta Delta Delta houses at Sorority Camp leave early...The new group of campers arrive...and, to their horror, the demons and vampires who remain...raise more hell...as the vortex forces other Undead creatures from The Otherworld...to the camp...and they all are lead by Hell's Guardian, (on the front book cover), whose sexual power is so hypnotic that anyone who comes into contact with her, all become doomed. The stunning sixth sequel to "Zeta Zeta Zeta Vampire Cabin Watchers". Rated PG-13 for strong, bloody violence, sex scenes, some coarse language, strong, supernatural themes, strong, adult themes. Warning: FOR READERS 13 YEARS AND OVER.
8 parts