10 parts Complete In a secluded boarding school nestled near the picturesque shores of Okinawa, Japan, two young men grapple with the complexities of love and self-discovery. Shizuka, a brooding figure with a tough exterior, harbors a secret longing for his closest friend, Naomi. Despite his gruff demeanor, Shizuka's heart yearns for the gentle warmth of Naomi's companionship, a solace amidst the tumultuous currents of adolescence.
Yet, fear grips Shizuka's heart, a fear of losing the one true friendship he has known. In a world where he feels unlovable and misunderstood, Naomi's presence is a beacon of light, a haven he dares not jeopardize. So, he buries his feelings deep within, guarding them like a precious treasure, afraid that revealing his true desires might shatter the fragile bond they share.