Questa è una raccolta di pensieri, riflessioni, aforismi, minidialoghi e componimenti personali.
L'ho intitolata come i pensieri profondi di Paloma Josse, la protagonista de "L'eleganza del riccio".
Sono scritti in italiano o in inglese, a seconda della lingua in cui sono nati dentro di me.
Forse i migliori li terrò per me, ma mi andava di condividerne qualcuno.
This is a collection of thoughts, reflections, aphorisms, minidialogues and personal poems.
I entitled it like the deep thoughts of Paloma Josse, the protagonist of the book "The elegance of the hedgehog". They're written either in Italian or in English, according to the language in which they were born in my mind.
Maybe I will keep the best ones to myself, but I was willing to share some of them.
مشي انا لكتبة غير قريتها او عجباتني او بغيت نشركها معاكم لي انقول ليكم لقصة كين فيها جزء اول او جزء تاني غير يكمل جزء اول نحط تاني، غدي نولي نحط 5 أجزاء في نهاار، قرأة ممتعة😘