Fourteen and thirteen year old, Violet and James, are two lonely foster kids at The LA Home for Foster Kids.
Violet is quiet and is a painter and a writer. Her creativity and her imagination create and will make you feel emotions you didn't even know you had.
James has always been quiet, but has always been athletic. He personally loves swimming, soccer, and track.
When O2L decide to adopt, agreeing to prove to each other how responsible they can be. They go to The LA Home for Foster kids. Violet and James will be looking for a new home. Can O2L be their new family?
This is a story about a girl named Kate and her "adventures" of being a youtuber. Her best friend, Andrea, and her have been traveling and they are good friends with O2L... Everything was good, BETTER than good...Then something happens... Kate has to decide... Does she like Connor as a friend, or MORE than a friend?? Will Andrea help her?? Why is her life so hard?? U say... Maybe her family... Maybe her friends?? Maybe even someone in O2L?????