·DIARIO DE UN SUICIDAD·© II -PROXIMAMENTE- "Mis muñecas sangraban, lentamente iba perdiendo la noción del tiempo y espacio. Sentía que mi alma salía por aquellos cortes,y poco a poco, mi dolor mental fue desapareciendo. Iba a morir, jamás había estado tan feliz antes, sabía que ya no iba a llorar más, ya no iba a sufrir, no volvería a sentir nada, dormiría, dormiría para siempre..." (traducción: http://www.elmundo.es/traductor/ ) ·DIARY OF A SUICIDE·© II - PROXIMAMENTE - " My wrists were bleeding, slowly i was losing the notion of the time and space. I was feeling that my soul was going out for those courts, and little by little, my mental pain was disappearing. I was going to die, I have never been so happy before, knew that already I was not going to cry any more, already I was not going to suffer, I would not return to feel anything, would sleep, would sleep forever... " (translation: http://www.elmundo.es/traductor/ )