My very first attempt at writing a Grinto/Quintoff (Zachary Quinto and Jonathan Groff) fiction so please be gentle with me. :) Sorry guys for all the spelling errors I´ve made because English isn´t my first language. I hope you will ENJOY the fluffiness, humor and a lil bit of dirtiness that I´ve put in this fic. ;) WARNING - SAD TO DISSAPOINT YOU ALL BUT THERE IS NO SEX IN THIS FIC ONLY CUTE LITTLE TEASING INSTEAD, BUT TEASING CAN BE HOT TOO RIGHT? ;) - What to excpected from this fic? Eating in bed, cuddling, sex talk and more cuddling. :) Ok enough blabbing, hope you will enjoy and please leave me an honest feedback. Either way it is bad or good, im trying to improve as a writter. <3