Science says that an animal isn't meant to be caged. We are supposed to roam the lands free of restraints. Through this experience we find ourselves and with that we learn to live. Fate Hale has always been a victim of manipulation. When someone said jump she jumped, if someone said leap she would leap. Never free to truly find her inner fire she was left to glide with the wind instead of learning to push against it. But everything changes once the final strike was struck. Forced to move away and deserting her only silver lining of happiness in the process, she learns that its about time she started to remold herself into someone who doesn't take no for an answer. It was a move that saved her very core, and it was ' THE LIST' that saved everything else. Step 1: Learn to say no Step 2: Never Stray from the bucket list Step 3: Let the party begin and Step 4: Find LoveAll Rights Reserved