In Genesis 1:14 god said let there be light . The stars are lights that gas and dust particles . The star can cause light in our universe . Without stars there will be no light but dark . The stars are born from the nebula . The nebula is a cloud of gas and dust that where stars are born . stars can make constellation like virgo , ares , cancer , crux , orion and aquilla . The stars cycle stars in here the story of vy canis majoris was start on a nebula . Then the vy canis majoris is 3600 diameter of the sun. finally the star dies it has a largest explosion the hypernova or a supernova like vy it dies . What its left the white dwarf . When the white dwarf evolves like a black hole its called a type1a supernova. The type1a evolves into much larger white dwarf when it explodes . The star left the neutron star the neutron star and a pulsar are the ones that left in the dying star.The 2 stars combine into a weirdest star of the universe called magnetars when the star supernova again the black hole and the gamma ray burst spread into the universe . the black hole is the mysterious object in our universe . The black holes dies and the big bang starts . That is when our universe was born and in 7.6 billion years the birth of our star the sun was born . Then the sun created 18 planets in our solar system but the smash into each other now there is 9 planets left . The sun can have hydrogen and helium thrown in there it is 10,000 degrees farenheit then the sun has the 3rd near planet called earth our blue planet . And the comets are halleys comet and hyatouke comet . the gas planets are called jupiter, saturn , uranus , neptune and the dwarf planet named pluto .The rock planets are called mercury , venus , mars and our blue planet earth the planet that has lifeAll Rights Reserved