How do we know? How do we know that this is really our world. Maybe our dreams become our reality or our reality becomes our dreams. Think about it, we could be in comas yet we all think this is the life we are living but we can't tell because we never wake up. Now when we go to sleep at night we never know if we are going to wake up, so would ur last conversation with someone be worth it? Would u be happy? Who knows. The world is actually a crazy place, we live our lives not realizing how damaged the world is. The world isn't safe it might not have daily wars but no one is really safe. When you go into a hunted house that's pitch black, how do you know that a murder isn't there waiting or how do you know that someone isn't going to come into your house and kill you? We don't . Yet we choose to block it out and ignore it out and pretend we are safe. I am one of the 5 who know the real truth and we are living lies .