Ok, so you know when you start writing a story but you haven't planned it out? So you lose interest in writing it and never get it finished? I get that a lot. I never know how to end it, or even how to continue on from the first chapter. I feel like every time I write a story without planning a plot, it never gets finished. It's also really disappointing (and irritating) that I can never seem to finish a story.
So I've decided to create a book where I can just publish all my stories that never made it through the first few chapters (or even pages) and anyone out there can try and help me. I need advice on whether I should finish it or not, and if so, how it should end. Hopefully there's people out there willing to me out.
(Also, if there's any typos in these stories, I need to hear about it, so I can fix them). Thank you!
Stories contain foul language. You have been warned!