Summer and April are best friends of the one and only Dan and Phil, (a.k.a Danisnotonfire and amazingphil). Summer and April live in the apartment next door in central London, these two socially awkward turtles seemed to nestle there way into the Youtube crowd. With Dan and Phil's success Summer and April's channel flourished as well. With over 1 million subscribers, Summer and April find themselves involving themselves with other famous Youtuber's. This includes Oli White, Zoe Sugg, Louise, Tanya, Jim, Marcus Butler, Alfie Deyes and most importantly Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee. When these two girls meet these two boys, feelings start to develop, how will they handle the new found 'friends'? Follow Summer and April as they meet new people and undertake many different scenarios there old selves wouldn't dare do. Watch as they are put into dangerous waters with fangirls and over protective fans.