When the bus arrived at my school, I directly saw my best friends Calum and Michael.
"Hey Lydia, you know that dude Michael hates?" says Calum.
"Yes, Luke or something, right?" I said.
"Yes, Luke. I just saw him, and Mikey said that he heard someone say that he's new on our school! So when you see someone ugly who thinks he's wat too cool for us, then it's Luke."
"Okay, I'll keep my eyes open."
I don't know this Luke guy, but he sounds like an idiot.
"Guys, I gotta go. My English class starts in a sec. Bye!"
When I walked into the class, I saw this really hot guy sitting in the front of me. When I take my books out, the hot guy turns around and says:
"Hey, can I borrow a pencil? I forgot my pencilcase. I'm Luke by the way."