Sixth-grader, Noah Dalton of Tallahassee, Florida discovers he's moving to a much smaller and colder state. His mother and father tell him not the name of the place they are going, but the temperatures. Warm and hot in the springtime and summers, warm and cold in the falls and winters. Seems legit to Noah. Not. Of course, he doesn't believe in anything. In the mild temperatures of "The Different Land", he meets his new and lifelong crush, Anna, a girl who never thinks ill-minded and knows how to say "I love you" in cat. He meets Andrew, a tall boy also in sixth-grade with a secret admirer, Lizzie. Noah, Andrew, Anna, and Lizzie end up in a land most unknown under the State of Utah. The land is widely strange with dragons of all size and griffons. But a dark magic is reaping upon the sand at the beaches and Noah, Andrew, Anna, and Lizzie must rescue every island in the region, and hopefully find the hidden land known as:
The Island of Magi.