Dragon Hunter: The story begins in a small town village, it has gotten attacked by a raid of dragons, seaching for food. Most of the town is gone, but one house, were a young girl lives, her family was killed by dragons, and human, bandits. She wishes to end the dragons that killed her family, but she finds out that one of the dragons were her bond mate, and that she has to bond with the dragon, so that she won't die, she gives up dragon hunting and trys to save the race, but other dragon hunters, coming after her. Wild dragons, save the two and bring them to their kingdom, there are more dragon riders. She also gotten a dragon hunters mark on her arm. She has to chose, be a dragon rider or hunter. Hunter would ruin her life, and Rider would make her life something. She can only chose one.
When the truth comes out, there's nowhere left to run.
Season 3 of Eliona's War
When Seth received a new virtual reality video game from his uncle, he wasn't expecting to get swept up into a whole new world called Eliona. As it turned out, Eliona and its people are far more dangerous than Seth could ever have imagined. There is a real consequence to playing this game: it's changing him, and it might not be for the better.
Now that Seth/Severance knows the truth of Eliona, there's no going back. Eliona is dying, and in order to save it, he needs to beat a very difficult dungeon before anyone else does. And on Earth, things are even worse. It's come to light that Eliona is leaving a mark on its players, and suddenly, everyone wants to be involved. Players find themselves with a target on their back, and Seth? He might just have the biggest one of all.
Too bad for them, he's done running.
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