you are Celeste Angelica and you are an Elemental you come from the village of wyvern's cove and tour hair changes colour to the element that you are. Your fave colours are purple, turquoise and black.
also your eyes change colour to her mood (Turquoise - Happy/ excited, Purple - relaxed, White - rage mode, black - dying / hurt, green - jealous, pink- love, red - angry, yellow - scared/worried, brown - bored
dark blue - sad, orange - suprised
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The walls of the hospital room is blank and boring. I don't get why this is supposed to make people calm. At least they could add a colorful picture. All I hear are beeps from the monitor telling me your still alive. I've been waiting for you. Each day I think about how you would love to see a sunrise or go for a walk at the park. All the things you loved that you can't do.
I hate to see you like this. Your ocean blue eyes now closed and your amazing smile is gone. Instead, your blond hair is messy and your skin is covered with bruises and cuts. It's not the Garroth I met.
It's all because of me...
Written by Candi!