A young detective named Chasity Gilson has just found out her idol Michael Jackson has died. She's heartbroken and is completely devastated, but after getting the news she finds out that she also will be investigating his death with her team of co-workers. While investigating Michael's piacular death at his home she finds herself in a secret room with a mysterious note from someone that goes by the name "Peter Pan" After reading the chilling note she realizes that the only way to figure out Michaels death is too follow the directions this mystery man gives her through the strange notes. And maybe figure out who this "Peter Pan" is while doing it. As she goes on a crazy scavenger hunt full of twist and turns, danger, magic,music, and the weird feeling of someone watching her. She finds herself at the ultimate breaking point when she finds out "Peter Pan" isn't who she thought he was. "To die would be an awfully big adventure" -Peter Pan