Hi my name is Pastel...Unicorn. I love my ipad.I actually have a question,What if ipads didn't exist.hahahahahah Like that would happen. So yeah I like my ipad so much that my eyes will pop out like bloop.I also love riding my bike with my friend named eliza.She is a much younger kid then me but she is very fun to play with. Yayy the fun parts ,I Am A.....UNICORN.Hahaha that was awsome.Now this time for real.I hate sour candys they just make me feel like I'm gonna take my tastebuds off.But I do like swedish fish.ALOT of people talk to me in class during a test.Sometimes I need some headphones so I can't hear them.Ugh don't even start me with Melba she talks to me like i am in a jungle,sometimes i'd even live their if Melba didn't come along. I also have this very quiet girl in my class.When she talks it is like she is whispering.I wish I were like that but my voice is like medium quiet.Oh yeah that girl is like full on quiet.I also go on this server on MCPE its called lifeboat.All Rights Reserved