Tyler Joseph, a junior, is starting at a new school this year, after experiencing hell at his last. In school, and at home, Tyler struggles deeply with feeling out of place and deeply depressed, but he soon meets a boy named Joshua Dun, who is the human embodiment of sunshine, and just cannot seem to stop smiling.
But sometimes smiles aren't always what they seem. Can a normal teenage boy be a hero to another?
(Romance, Drama, Humor)
(Joshua and Tyler Semi-AU Fanfiction)
"Whats your name?" The blue haired kid asked.
"I'm Tyler, Tyler Joseph. Whats yours?"
"I'm Joshua Dun. You can call me Josh though."
Tyler is a depressed teenager who self-harms and has anxiety. All he wants is to be able to trust someone enough to talk to them. Little does Tyler know, his life is about to be flipped up side down. He will meet his best friend and future wife soon. Will he be able to hold on long enough for that though? Or will Tyler's thoughts get the best of him before hand? Will his friends be able to save him before its too late?
Self harm, abuse, suicide, and anorexia are all shown in this fic.
#24 in Jyler 1/5/19
#1 in Jenna Joseph 4/22/19