The Second Generation... is in for far more danger then the first.
It has been rumoured that Voldemort had a daughter, and James Potter (II) is more than willing to figure out who that girl may be. Slytherin seems to be the only choice to where 'Voldemort's' daughter could be.
Thus, James sets his eye on Tallison Ridel, a Slytherin who fits the description of he-who-must-not-be-named's daughter - tall, pale, and incredibly beautiful. Not to mention, extremly cunning.
With the Daily Prophet printing more and more deaths and disappearances, James is sure there is a new power on the rise and he will do anything to put the power to rest. For good.
When James finally meets Tailsen he is sure that she has something to do with the newest rising power.But when he trys to figure out the mystery that is between her and the new power, he's becoming stuck.
Stuck with doubt, and stuck with a stupid gut feeling that he can't get rid of. Can James and his friends figure out who the new culprit is? Or what it is? And can James get rid of the gut feeling whenever he's around Tallison?