Renee's dreams of becoming a designer were crushed after her mother was forced to close down her once successful business. When Renee thought her spirits had been uplifted after finding love with an old class mate, she had instead been left heartbroken.
Rose felt she had let everybody down once her precious bridal boutique had lost its battle to the fancier wedding department two streets over. With no where left to go, everything she had worked so hard to make happen had slipped from her fingers.
Anastasia is the wealthy sister of Renee and daughter of Rose. After everything she planned had gone exactly the way she wanted, she never looked back on the old days and cherishes the life she has now. Her hardworking job at the law firm had been replaced with lazy days sunbathing in the garden, gossiping with her friends and shopping sprees, thanks to her rich fiancé, Vincent.
Angelique is desperate to fit into the fancy life that Anastasia has and would do anything to make it happen. When it doesn't go according to plan she finds her self slipping away into someone whose unrecognizable, all for a taste of the wealthy life.
What will happen next?
17 ans, marocaine et turc, Zayira.. une fille complètement perdu sur sa vie, va bientôt être mise à la rue.
Elle va faire la rencontre d'un groupe qui va changer sa vie à jamais..