Dear Stiles.
You’re probably busy doing homework, fixing your crappy Jeep, being a teenager and minding your own business, so I can imagine you don’t want to read this. Everything has been quiet what with Derek and Chris gone and Malia in your life – honestly, I can’t blame your wanting to feel secure once in a while.
Only that’s not gonna last. You know it.
So far you’ve lived through it all and – believe me, I’m proud of you. You’ve grown, Stiles, and you’ve become the person I expected you to become.
That little boy, screaming for his mummy, shaking like a leaf, scared shitless by the monsters under his bed – he’s gone.
It’s your story now, Stiles. Only, you don’t know it.
But you’re ready now, yes, it’s time. You don’t even have to do anything for the moment.
Just look at me, will you?
At me.
Yours eternally.
23 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
23 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Stiles is 17 years, hyperactive and maybe even a little too sarcastic boy from Beacon Hills. His life is different, he is in a pack. Yes, a werewolf pack! He was actually going to leave the pack for good, but instead, he got a big suprise. Or, actually, a small one, growing inside him.
May 2018:
I am editing this story slowly, but I will not change anything important, just correcting grammar and things like that!
I speak Finnish, so English is a little bit difficult for me, so sorry for mistakes!
Check also out my other Sterek fanfictions, please! And you can always come to chat with me and all!