The tea kettle screeches into the still of the kitchen. She moves quickly, not wanting to keep him waiting any longer than he already has. He tends to get quite nettled after waiting too long for his afternoon tea.
She pulls from the cupboard above the sink a small, floral tea cup, along with it's matching saucer companion Setting them both down on the counter, she retrieves the sugar cubes from the cupboard nestled above the stove, placing it gently beside the cup and saucer.
After grabbing a spoon from the silverware drawer at her waist, she gingerly pours the piping hot water from the kettle into the floral painted cup, careful not to spill a single drop.
The tea bag is next, lowered gently into its' steaming bath by it's string. He prefers his tea this way, as opposed to the filtered method. He doesn't very much enjoy finding tea leave bits floating around in his cuppa. It puts him in a foul mood, and that's exactly what she's trying to avoid.