When you were a child, wasn't your biggest dream either becoming a princess or dating a pop-star? Well, Blair Payne thought otherwise. And of course, she was one to be asked out by Harry Styles, a famous singer from a boy-band that her brother also participated in. Blair was a gorgeous brunette with brilliantly blue eyes, and she could of easily won the heart of any boy whom she'd wanted, but, she wasn't exactly "into" boys. Her focus was mainly school. This was really quite a shame, because many girls who weren't candy to many boys' eyes and truly wanted a boyfriend, and tried hard to get one, but failed. Humans are really quite shallow, Blair would always think, to reject perfectly nice people simply based on their face. Every time a boy proposed the idea of being a couple, she felt awful rejecting them, and always wrote them a long text apologizing. However, she would never say yes, because "it was not the right time." She was anything but your average pretty girl.