Sequel to "Dark Star," following Lt. Doolittle's adventures as he survives surfing the atmosphere of Fervence (literally) ; the sweaty planet, and gets stuck there with more seductive aliens, stubborn A.I. bombs, and other stray human survivors who have only figured out how to hack into the Comedy Central Channel on Earth. Even more, a hot head butthole named Captain Crum goes out of his way to make sure these survivors don't get rescued.. All in all, I'm hoping to revive the story of "Dark Star" with this fan fiction. I want to capture the same ludicrous feel and going a little out of my own style with this new project. Note that you don't need to see Dark Star to read this; the movie is just an inspired classic. It's creator, Dan O'Bannon, did really well but hasn't received popularity since it was released in 1974. I wonder if he'd be proud of me. Eh, probably not. Enjoy!All Rights Reserved
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