Star Wars: Advent of The Hellwalker (Ahsoka x M! Reader)
22 parts Ongoing You are the Doom Slayer, the bane of hell itself. You live only for the suffering of the restless damned, it's all you've ever remembered. But long ago there was a time when you were simpler, a time when you were a more civilized warrior: a Jedi padawan. You had empathy, you had guidance, you had humility, you had companions, you had a caring master, and even though it was taboo, you began to have love. But that means nothing to you now. Memories of your previous life have long faded to nothingness, consumed by your infinite rage against hell and buried under eons of carnage toward its legions across multiple worlds. But now your crusade against them takes you in a new direction; with the support of the holy Maykrs, the demons have begun their conquest of your home galaxy. Now, transported through time and space and set against terrible odds, fate begs you to recall your dormant past for the sake of strangely familiar worlds and faces against a foe so ferocious and alien, the Republic and Separatists must do the unthinkable and join forces to counter this mutual threat, or existence itself will be at risk. And in the midst of it all, a darkness approaches.
NOTE This story is based primarily on Star Wars Legends lore and contains characters and elements from it. That being said, I'm not the biggest Star Wars nerd or fan in general. I've read up just enough of the surface Legends lore and I've watched the Clone Wars show inconsistently ever since its debut in 2008. I also played a few of the legends games in my time but that's about it as far as Star Wars lore goes for me. So don't smash your keyboard if I screw with something
I don't own Star Wars or Doom, which are owned and distributed by Disney and Bethesda Studios respectively
Enjoy reading my first fanfic
Chapter 1 starts during CW season 5, not long after Maul's takeover of Mandalore