"Scar Face" or formally known as Riley Punanski- is a infamous Pyromaniac who has been working in a bar for several months after escaping a old flame. Anxious, Rambunctious and Quirky-nobody saw it coming when she and Merle Dixon instantly hit it off while on a late nightshift. Overtime Merle and Riley gained a peculiar friendship. Daryl-Merle's little brother only ever meeting her a handful of times. One day Riley goes missing-leaving Merle back to his old ways. Now Riley is back and discovers that the world has been over taken by Zombies, and heads for Atlanta in search for answers.
• Narrow escapes from death
• Crossbows and Tomahawks
• A squirrel to the face
• And a Typhoon of gore, guts and emotions
Riley must struggle to fend off the zombie hordes, as well as competing with other survivors who are welling to do anything it takes to survive.
Come Read and watch Riley's past unravel and comical situations arise; along with distress, betrayal, Social-awkwardness and The whole nine yards.
This is a Walking Dead Fan fiction.