Stories of St. Isidore is a collection of short stories from one of the most dysfunctional communities on the planet. The people who live in this small city will certainly remind you of someone you know; a cousin, mother-in-law, friend, former lover. You might even find someone who reminds you, well, of you.
In the Stories of St. Isidore, you will meet Anne, an entrepreneur, inventor and dominatrix who is a survivor of abuse and neglect and her boyfriend Adam who owns the town’s bookstore.
You will also meet Tim, who stalks teenage girls, when he is not busy teaching high school biology. Lumpy Doolan is the police chief of St. Isidore. Lumpy doesn't like his nickname, but what the heck, it's the name people vote for every four years. He has more than enough to worry about with the stumble bums on his department and then there is the issue of teenage girls disappearing and winding up dead in the Suicide Forest.
And then there is Bradford Glasscock, the gay son of St. Isidore's only mortician. He and his brother Sam grew up in a house filled with dead people. And you think you have problems?
New stories will be added on a regular basis, so stop by whenever you can.
You're always welcome in St. Isidore.
Stories of St. Isidore is one of the books of disturbing, dark fiction in the St. Isidore Collection by Rod Kackley. Some of it, honestly, is too hot for Wattpad. But if you think you're mature enough to handle them, you can find the Stories of St. Isidore, along with A Wicked Plan (Book 1 From the St. Isidore Collection) and Wicked Revenge (Book 2 From the St. Isidore Collection), wherever books are sold.